
by @SkyWriter140


  • – tology

    Putting -tology on the end of a word to goof around, noting a significance to SPTV community (channels) & movement (activism).

    Credit: @ConfidentChris YT

    ex: Partytology: when auditors protest a Sciento event. @Chatology channel, hosted by Mods. Also: Wikitology.

  • ” – ” Tech

    When referring to Scientology technology–the abusive and damaging brainwashing designed to render Scientologists emotionless –it is used to brutallymockSciento by auditors. Attempts by orgs to hide from auditors–pulling the shades (“shade tech”), playing copyrighted music (“music tech”), throwing water on chalk art (“water tech”). When referring to protest actions, like chalking LRHquotes in front of the Blue Building (LA):“chalk tech”

  • 2D

    Sciento’s second dynamic -family relationships, with an emphasis on sexual relationships. Variants: Solo 2D (masturbation); 2D Flowing (flirting) Use: “Are you 2D flowing me, Twilla?” (Twilla body routes at the LA Test Center –well,she did before SPTV ruined that for them.


  • Auditing

    Auditing, also known as processing, is the core practice of Scientology. Scientologists believe that the role of auditing is to improve a person’s abilities and to reduce or eliminate their neuroses. The Scientologist is asked questions about past events while holding two metal cylinders attached to an electrical resistance meter (galvanometer) with a dial.The term “auditing” was coined by L. Ron Hubbard in his 1950 book Dianetics: The Modern Science of Mental Health, which describes the process. Auditing uses techniques fromhypnosisthat are intended to create dependency and obedience in the subject.The auditing process involves repeated questioning forming an extended series. It may take several questions to complete aprocess, several processes together are arundown, several rundowns completed and the Scientologist is deemed to have advanced another level on theBridge to Total Freedom. The Scientologist believes that completing all the levels on the Bridge will return him to his native spiritual state, free of the encumbrances of the physical universe.

    Auditing is the process for laundering felonies. Sciento doesn’t call the police if someone admits to harming others –they use Sciento to fix the person, essentially acting as police, judge and jury. Auditing is expensive, so you can see why. Watch @LiterallySerge for more information


  • Boobtology / Boobgate

    Chicago-based auditor Nance Drewwas arrested for assault after a Sciento brushed her breast. Boobs have become self-aware: Watch out!

  • Bridge to Total Freedom


  • Cadet Org

    The Cadet Org was the “junior” Sea Org for children. It does not exist in the form it was when the Second Gens were in, but children are still joining and serving in the Sea Org.

    Cadet Org members train for the Sea Org, including a junior EPF (Estate Planning Force – the training program for the Sea Org that is really a labor force.)

    It’s like Lord of the Flies.  Children train as auditors and conduct auditing of adults. See @LiterallySerge for his stories.

  • Chanology / 4Chan

  • Clear Cognition

    “I just realized I’ve been mocking up my own reactive mind all along, and I’m not doing it anymore.” When shared by protestors, it usually ends with “There – just saved you $200k.”

    This is considered secret, confidential information in Sciento.

  • CSP

    Clean Ship Program. Sea Org gets a couple of hours on the weekend to clean, do laundry, etc. “CSP time” was one of the few times of the week Sea Org members could gossip or share information.


  • Dead Agent

    A discrediting PR campaign to delegitimize a Sciento critic.

    Also used by some in SPTV to discredit other creators to reduce the power of their voice.

    Dead Agent packs are designed to attack the person, and to distract from the topic at hand.

  • Dolphins

    See also: Motherships / Duckies

    Dolphins are the sprinter vans that route Scientos from the parking lot to the LA Org to avoid exposing Sea Org (“Duckies”) to the protestors. Surprise: It doesn’t work.

    Motherships are the big buses usually seen at the Middle Management / Museum building at the Hollywood Guarantee Building (HGB).

    Duckies are the Scientos in the wild – usually at the big Orgs like LA and Clearwater but can be local ideal org.

  • Duckies

    Duckies are Scientos in the wild – usually at the big Orgs like LA and Clearwater but can be a local ideal org.

  • Dynamics

    There are eight dynamics in Scientology – pathways to “survival.”

    Scientologists are trained to believe “The optimum solution to any problem is the one that brings the greatest benefit to the greatest number of dynamics.” Short version: Your 1D concerns are so insignificant as to be laughable. 1D focus means you’re totally off the rails.


    The quick version:

    1D = self. You’re being selfish if you’re focused on first dynamic.

    2D = Sex & family unit.
    Sciento’s second dynamic -family relationships, with an emphasis on sexual relationships. Variants: Solo 2D (masturbation); 2D Flowing (flirting) Use: “Are you 2D flowing me, Twilla?” (Twilla body routes at the LA Test Center –well,she did before SPTV ruined that for them.

    3D = Groups as small as a club or class/school to as big as City, State or Nation

    4D = All mankind

    5D = Non-human life forms (animals & plants)

    6D = MEST (matter, energy, space, time) – the physical universe

    7D = The spiritual universe

    8D = Supreme Being


  • E-meter

    The E-Meter (also electropsychometer and Hubbard Electrometer) is an electronic device used in Scientology that allegedly “registers emotional reactions”. After claims by L. Ron Hubbard that the procedures of auditing, which used the E-Meter, could help heal diseases, the E-Meter became the subject of litigation. Since then, the Church of Scientology publishes disclaimers declaring that the E-Meter “by itself does nothing”, is incapable of improving health, and is used solely for spiritual purposes. Wikipedia

    Per @LiterallySerge: It lends credibility to Sciento’s “tech”. It’s bullshit.


  • F Sciento

    Austin org pre-opening, @Pearlsnappy rocks up one day to see the black plastic covering the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY name on the building has ripped, leaving exposed only the “F SCIENTO”.

    Credit: @Pearlsnappy

    Image of Austin Ideal Org pre-opening showing a rip in the protective plastic covering over "CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY" sign. The covering ripped, exposing "F SCIENTO".

    Image of Austin Ideal Org pre-opening showing a rip in the protective plastic covering over “CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY” sign. The covering ripped, exposing “F SCIENTO”.

  • Fair Game

    Sciento’s policy for handling enemies, designed to totally destroy the person’s life. Paulette Cooper (journalist) was nearly put into an institution for exposing Sciento. Lessor variations include having Private Investigators (P.I.) follow people; calling family members expressing “concern” for their health.

  • Flap

    What Sciento calls fuck ups that need handling. Corporate America would say “issues” or “crisis” management.

    Sciento covers up a lot of crimes, but flaps like Lisa McPherson, who caused a scene after a car wreck and should have been committed, but was returned to Sciento’s care. She endured “handling” by the Church that included more than a week of isolation without psychiatric care, before the Church took her to a Scientologist doctor rather than the local hospital. She was dead, covered in cockroach bites, emaciated and dehydrated.

  • Floating Needle

    Referring to the e-meter needle not registering reaction from the person being audited. Session can close.


  • Gizmo

    StreetsLA/William Gude’s dog. Possibly the best dog ever.

    Gizmo, William Gude's dog, is a boxer.

    Gizmo continues to look for the rest of his tail on walks and runs with StreetsLA

  • Gude Girls, Gude Guys

    Community members who ride or die for Streets LA, William Gude (“goode”).


  • Happy Valley

    AKA Int Ranch


  • Int Ranch (the Ranch at the International Base)

    Ranch on Gold Base land for kids of Sea Org execs. Kids are considered million-years old thetans in small bodies. There is no “age”. Kids at the Ranch were raised by children only a few years older. Abandoned by parent to an abusive environment and were neglected, worked hard labor and received no schooling.


  • Kids in Scientology


    Sciento children are “just old beings in small bodies.” They’re treated as adults, meaning, their developmental needs were not met growing up. This ranged from emotional to physical abuse, abandonment, and neglect. Schooling was never prioritized. Parents got clout for having kids on staff or in the Sea Org. There is no “unconditional love” in a Scientology family – praise must be earned.

    Beings choose the body they’re born in. Parents will believe their dead parents were reincarnated in their grandchildren. Children will look for a Sciento family that will accept their dying parent into a new body.

    Family relationships are a “game” for this life. You could have been your own father’s father in that life.

    The E-meter has cans for children as young as 6 years old.

    Children whose parents were on staff at their local org would hang out there, sometimes not even going to public school. Scientology schools like Mace-Kingsley taught Sciento.

    Children are a prime target for recruitment to this day.

    Training includes “flattening buttons” – desensitizing reaction Children are trained to be auditors.


  • L. Ron Hubbard

    Also called “Source.” Convicted felon who took psychiatric drugs (forbidden in Sciento).

    Really bad teeth. Protestors call him “Goofy.”


  • Mama Gude’s Pickle Jar

    StreetsLA’s mama threw a pickle jar at him. Used in the context of “Imma throw a pickle jar at you if you don’t stop.”

  • Meow

    Hollywood Aja started meowing at people while protesting outside La Poubelle and Blue building.

    N.B. Honestly, I don’t know what it means – I think it’s just a way to clown people or to fill a pause in the conversation. -Skywriter140

  • Motherships

    The city-size bus that used to transport Scientos to/from the Hollywood Guarantee Building (HGB), before the protestors shut that shit down.

    Credit: @ConfidentChris


  • Operating Levels

    Full explanation. Scientology uses Roman numerals for each level (e.g. OT III) but we’re going to use numbers (OT 3). This is the confidential and secret technology that will cause you to die from pneumonia if you’re exposed to it before you’re ready.

    OT 1-5 is delivered at Advanced Orgs. OT 6-7 are delivered only at Flag Service Org. OT 8 is only delivered onboard the Freewinds (supposedly).

    OT3 aka “The Wall of Fire”

    Operating Thetan level 3, when you learn about Xenu and “the cause of earthly human suffering.” See Xenu


    Auditing the effects of drugs on your whole track (past lives).


    26 different “rundowns” – AKA “Second Wall of Fire”

    New Era Dianetics for OTs (NOTs) start here.


    Solo NOTs Auditing


    Solo NOTs – daily solo self-auditing.


    “The Truth Revealed”

    OT9 & 10 through OT15

    Long promised, doesn’t exist.


    You know what this means.

  • Operation Clambake

    Operation Clambake, also referred to by its domain name,, is a website and Norway-based non-profit organization, launched in 1996, founded by Andreas Heldal-Lund, that publishes criticism of the Church of Scientology. It is owned and maintained by Andreas Heldal-Lund, who stated that he supported the rights of all people to practice Scientology or any religion. Operation Clambake has referred to the Church of Scientology as “a vicious and dangerous cult that masquerades as a religion”. The website includes texts of petitions, news articles, exposés, and primary source documents. The site has been ranked as high as the second spot in Google searches for the term “Scientology”.

    The term for the organization refers both to a traditional clam bake as well as the notion from L. Ron Hubbard’s Scientology: A History of Man that humans follow a “genetic line” which includes clams, and that the psychological problems afflicting humans are impacted by past experiences. The domain name is a reference to the character Xenu from secretive “OT III” Scientology documents.

  • Operation Snow White

    Operation Snow White was a criminal conspiracy by the Church of Scientology during the 1970s to purge unfavorable records about Scientology and its founder, L. Ron Hubbard. This project included a series of infiltrations into and thefts from 136 government agencies, foreign embassies and consulates, as well as private organizations critical of Scientology, carried out by Church members in more than 30 countries. It was one of the largest infiltrations of the United States government in history, with up to 5,000 covert agents. This operation also exposed the Scientology plot “Operation Freakout”, because Operation Snow White was the case that initiated the U.S. government’s investigation of the Church.



  • Pickle Jar, also: Mama Gude’s Pickle Jar

    StreetsLA’s mama threw a pickle jar at him. Used in the context of “Imma throw a pickle jar at you if you don’t stop.”

  • Pocket Time

    StreetsLA (William Gude) will sometimes put Chat in his hoodie pocket. Chat can hear but can’t see what’s going on.

  • Public / Sea Org / Staff (types of Scientologists)

    Public Scientos are also called Parishioners. They work real jobs to pay for Sciento services. Some Public are whales – donating huge sums, usually directly to the International Association of Scientologists (the “mother” church).


  • Ranch (or Int Ranch)

    Ranch on Gold Base land for kids of Sea Org execs. Kids are considered million-years old thetans in small bodies. There is no “age”. Kids at the Ranch were raised by children only a few years older. Abandoned by parent to an abusive environment and were neglected, worked hard labor and received no schooling.

    SPTV Creators who were raised at the Ranch include: Jenna Miscavige, Mike Brown, Sterling Tompkins

  • Rock Slam

    Referring to a big reaction on the e-meter during auditing sessions. Means there is a significant reaction to a question that needs further auditing. Sessions may not end on a rock slam.

    Former Scientologists share how they got a floating needle (no reaction, the desired state) – techniques include: thinking about baseball to disassociating.


  • Safe Point

    People or organizations that don’t speak ill of Sciento, LAPD for example.

    Can also include municipal references for community resources that include Scientology front groups, like Narconon or Citizen Commission for Human Rights (CCHR).

  • Sciento

    Austin org pre-opening, @Pearlsnappy rocks up one day to see the black plastic covering the CHURCH OF SCIENTOLOGY name on the building has ripped, leaving exposed only the “F SCIENTO”. Sciento is shorthand for Scientology.

    Credit: @Pearlsnappy

  • Sea Org / Staff / Public

    Little Davey’s Fake Space Navy

    The Sea Organization or Sea Org is the senior-most status of staff within the Church of Scientology network of corporations, but is not itself incorporated. In the 1960s and 1970s, the Sea Org was started as L. Ron Hubbard’s private navy, and adopted naval uniforms and ranks.  Today, all Scientology management organizations are exclusively staffed with Sea Org members. The Sea Org maintains strict codes for its members, beginning with a symbolic billion-year pledge of service to Scientology upon initiation.  David Miscavige, the leader of Scientology, is the highest-ranking Sea Org officer with the rank of captain. [But DM is referred to as “COB” – Chairman of the Board] The rank of commodore is permanently reserved for the late L. Ron Hubbard, founder of Scientology. Some ex-members and scholars have described the Sea Org as a totalitarian organization marked by intensive surveillance and a lack of freedom.


  • Sec Check

    Sciento uses Security Checks to clear people to do the upper levels, to work at Gold Base or RTC, to ensure you aren’t an enemy to Sciento. It’s interrogation mind fuckery more akin to brainwashing.

    Here’s an except from Paulette Cooper’s The Scandal of Scientology, published in 1971:

    Security Check questions as reported by Paulette Cooper in her book "The Scandal of Scientology" in 1971


  • Slavery Free World

    A Sciento front group. Sciento actor Marisol Nichols is the founder and executive director.

    Note: their donate pop up on the website says: “Change starts now. Your gift helps us give victims of human trafficking a voice to increase global awareness about this critical issue and help reach and educate our most vulnerable.” Not: “We help victims of human trafficking get out and start their lives.”

  • Southpark

    The 2005 episode, “Trapped in the Closet,” exposed the confidential “tech”

    That time South Park took down an ENTIRE RELIGION… (

  • Staff / Sea Org / Public

    Staff are Scientologists that work at an Ideal Org (a non-Sea Org org, although some Sea Org members are sent to staff outer orgs).

    There are two shifts: Day (M-F) and Foundation (nights and weekends). Staff pay is laughable, so they usually have to hold down a job as well. Staff do not get food & lodging.

    Staff contracts can be 2.5 or 5 years.

  • Suggestions?

    Have a suggestion for Wikitology? Send me an email: with “Wikitology Suggestion” in the title. Thanks!


  • Teegeeack

    What the Galactic Confederacy calls Earth.

  • The Scandal of Scientology by Paulette Cooper, 1971

    This book is a critical expose of the activities and beliefs of the Church of Scientology. Writing it got her in a lot of trouble with the Scientologists: “Through the years as she continued to expose the Church, Paulette Cooper was the target not only of litigation but of several harassment campaigns including a Scientology campaign known as Operation Freakout, the goal of which was to deter Cooper from criticism of Scientology by having her “incarcerated in a mental institution or jail or at least to hit her so hard that she drops her attacks.” In a previous campaign titled Operation Dynamite the church sent itself forged bomb threats, purportedly from Cooper, using her typewriter and paper with her fingerprints on it; further plans included bomb threats to be sent to Henry Kissinger. The Church’s campaign was discovered when the FBI raided Scientology offices in 1977 and recovered documents relating to the operation. The Church finally agreed to an out-of-court settlement with Cooper in 1985 in exchange for her discontinuing her legal actions against Scientology.” From Wikipedia

  • The Why is Gude (also: The Why is Pearlsnappy)

    Scientos have no excuse for down stats – they’re just making excuses, regardless of external factors like protestors. Scientos cannot say “The why (the stats are down) is God” (meaning, an act of God) – but protestors say “The why is GUDE” in honor of Streets igniting this era of protests and absolutely ruining Sciento’s recruiting efforts worldwide.

  • Thetan

    Sciento’s “soul.” Only it’s 75 million years old, it’s been recycled at the implant station millions of times. “Whole track” or “past track” is a status in Sciento where you access your past life/lives.

  • Training Routines

    Brainwashing drills.


    Two people site and stare at each other without movement, reaction or falling asleep. Trains people to not engage with others.

    TR-0 Bullbait

    The “coach” tries to evoke a reaction from the “student” by any means necessary. This trains the person to disassociate.

    TR-1 “Dear Alice”

    The student recites lines from Alice in Wonderland. The coach decides if the student has done it correctly or “flunks” the student.

    TR-2 Acknowledgements

    The coach recites lines from Alice in Wonderland, and the student acknowledges each line done correctly.

    TR-3 Duplicative Questions

    The student asks the coach nonsense questions like “Do birds fly?” The student acknowledges the answer, but if the coach doesn’t answer, the student repeats the question. Trains the student that conversations and training are strictly one-way.

    TR-4 Originations

    The student asks the coach a question and only acknowledges statements related to the question. Statements unrelated to the question are handled and the student continues the routine. This teaches the student that true curiosity about the tech is not indulged.

    TR-5 doesn’t exist. TR 6-0 are called the “Upper Indoctrination” TRs designed to teach students how to control people and situations.

    TR-6 Body Control

    The student moves the coach around the room – either silently or with verbal commands. This teaches the student to command and obey.

    TR-7 High School Indoc

    Training Routine 7 = physical bull bait. Trainee obeys commands, the coach tries to stop trainee by any means necessary. Coaches are encouraged to be as wild and crazy as possible – verbally and physically. This TR desensitizes people to physical assault, and to not take “no” for an answer. Trainees and coaches have assaulted each other in order to (Trainee) obey the command or (Coach) to save the planet/brainwash.

    TR-8 Tone 40 on an object

    The student commands an ashtray to “stand up” or “sit down” using their Tone 40 voice. The Tone 40 “voice” is loud, determined and commanding.

    TR-9 Tone 40 on a person

    The student commands the coach around a room. The coach resists.


  • Word Chain

    If you don’t understand the tech, you have a misunderstood word. “Word Clearer” was a hat (a job) in the Sea Org – @Oh No Nora was one. But you couldn’t just clear one word to “get” the tech. You would have to clear any words in THAT definition, and so on, and so on: A Word Chain.

    This was part of the study tech.


  • Xenu

    Wikipedia: Xenu (/ˈziːnuː/ ZEE-noo), also called Xemu, is a figure in the Church of Scientology’s secret “Advanced Technology”, a sacred and esoteric teaching. According to the “Technology”, Xenu was the extraterrestrial ruler of a “Galactic Confederacy” who brought billions of his people to Earth (then known as “Teegeeack”) in DC-8-like spacecraft 75 million years ago, [froze them,] stacked them around volcanoes, and killed them with hydrogen bombs. Official Scientology scriptures hold that the thetans (immortal spirits) of these aliens adhere to humans, causing spiritual harm.

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Wikitology Suggestion